
NEA feedback and MIdterm feedback

 Friday 19th November 2024    Explain with knowledge and clear reference to the question Bring in reference to other social groups and how they may interpret them Target link to other social groups and refer back to the queston more often question 4 - how it challenges genre conventions - masthead size and split, copy amount and how  its minimal compared to others. Slogan to help homeless Target: Add in a conclusion with judgement. More time on this question hi Media Language & Representation revision

People's powerpoints

Baudrillard can be applied to Video games - e.g Call of duty. With the various character selections, map layouts and weapon choices, the audience can familiarise themselves with these people and remember them as if they were inside the game - more than real life stuff How our simulacra is evident and how they portray the films to be even though more than reality Hesmondhalgh and how game adaptation into movies may not be 100% accurate  MCU makes us ponder budget and whether shows that have been produced are very diverse

Shoot Out

 Thursday 5th October 2023 Shoot Out  L/O: to create an effective scene using basic filming rules

Homework- yayy :p

Image e This shot is an establishing one, setting the scene as it moves slowly to different characters and setting. The angle is higher than eye level to give us a view of the wider location( possibly a pan movement as it does move from right to left slowly) letting the audience get a good glimpse of the environment and where the scene is going. Here is a clean two shot, clearly showing how the interactions of these two characters are important. The medium close-up features their similar outfits and fixed expressions, watching the killer dump the safe makes us relate and feel like something is definitely wrong. The camera movement is sorta wobbly which indicates that not everything is fine but rough and uncertain. Over the shoulder progressing to dirty single shot - she approaching signifying a different change, presenting both of the girls expressions as noticeable and key to the story line; the movement of the camera is a push in, gradually...

Lights, Camera, Action

Friday 29th  September LCA lesson 1 L/O: to understand and practise using the principles of film making  Shot type: Establishing shot: present an environment, time and transition through scenes- setting up the scene. Wide shot:  positions things far from camera- to present peoples size/ feelings, rather than establishing environment Long shot: to have the whole person or thing in frame to exam every body part Medium long shot - shows upper half of body to focus on their movements and specific hand actions Mid- shot: starts above waist but under chest and ends just above head to get an almost pov shot Medium close-up from middle chest to head to focus on characters expressions Close-up mainly focus on characters faces - eye level to get a greater understanding of their emotions Extreme close up: isolates a specific area of the body - mainly face- e.g lips, eyes, nose. Framing: Single: One character alone in the frame- primary focus on them. Dirty single has a part of anoth...

A level skills Development

 Friday 8th September 2023 L/O: to research plan and produce a product in response to a brief My style - rock or pop pop- prominently figures in the centre - colourful background typically, one or more bold striking colours. Typically a bland background or faint pattern. Typically no words or just the name of the album cover. Either one main image or various mini sized ones. Costumes colourful/ bold. Plain backgrounds or settings. Bright colour schemes. Blocky font styles. My plan: have an outline or silhouette of a person, in bright colours on a generic white background or wall, they have words written of the album songs etc. Bold and one colour font Swish Flick - band name. feats of love feats of worry feats of life life struggles beat to the feat mace to the face shield of life MY PASSWORD is normal with upper W Pop FRONT Back of album cover Tour poster Successes:  My images are consistent with repeated themes throughout EBI: addi...