Homework proof!
Metoo movement in 2017, American context, high school shooting anti gun laws
Donald Trump in 2017 becomes president
Main Narrative: Mysterious assassin has killed again in Vienna. Eve tries her hardest to find and get information from the victim. Villanelle kills again in Tuscany and we are presented with a very skilled killer - setting up a foil between the two characters.
Eventually, Eve locates the witness by using not very legal tactics ( recording the interview and using it to translate!) and attempts to speak to her, but before she can kasha? Is killed in the hospital. Eve is then fired from her job due to the risk of leaving Dom
Character Profiles:
Eve - determined, smart, powerful, high up , fearless and is good spirited
Villanelle - Feminine but harmful, antagonistic with her mind games (pills)
Konstantin - Boss of Villanelle - surprised and shocked when she plays dead
Dom - eager to help Eve and tries to be the voice of reason and cares about Kasha
Niko- Very polite and nice - caring and helps and supports Eve
Bill- Jokes ad has fun, unserious and sticks by Eve throughout, even telling her she was right about the
Villanelles victim
Frank - boss way more serious than Bill, deceptive predatory, negative representation
Eve is presented as natural and powerful in the opening scenes of killing Eve - powerful by walking in late and not being ashamed, making bets with Bill
She is interested in assassins and makes bets - she isn't womanised or sexualised in the office.
Respected as an MI5 agent - investigating Kasha and allowed into the hospital as an investigator
Villanelle - shopping bags stereotype, big flowing dresses and bright colours associated with woman ad femininity.
-Controls Konstantin - he is shocked and almost scared of her with the pill scene.
- She is powerful and violent - hair pin stabbing, hospital scene
Carolyn - powerful woman is the MI5 industry. Powerful, authority and serious. Respected with Frank - not seen as lower than him - equal in power
Niko - nice, caring, anti-stereotypical and works a lot. Cares for Eve and brings a nurturing caring side. Roles reversal - Eve could be taking more masculine traits and being the dominant partner in the relationship. ( screaming, diegetic dialogue at the end with Carolyn)
Frank - Stereotypical rough man, shouting and aggressive. Loud and blunt with his tone and not bothering to hear Eve's or Bills opinions. Close Minded
Eve -British culture - seen as the hero
Demonisation of Russia! Can be seen with the Villanelle side of how her accent and region is made to be from Russia and how the stereotypical view is that they are the bad guys
Levi Strauss - Binary oppositions theory of opposites with British Values
Races, represented as equal and powerful. Eve is not discriminated against and is treated the same by Carolyn and Frank as head bosses
Niko/ Dom -
Eve - British Asian
Alena - Black British
Villanelle/ Konstantin - Russian - their ethnicity is much pronounced through their voices - they are the villains which portray a negative feeling towards the russian culture
Frank is presented as mean and short tempered like a angry boss. The stereotypical shouting is a convention of men in our society, fulfilling it. The raised diegetic dialogue when shouting at Bill in Frank is true to this
Bill is joking and not as serious. He plays a game and bets with Eve. Betting could be a trait of men and how betting is part of their culture - gambling addiction commonly associated with men e.g football.
Niko is loving supportive caring, subverting harsh men stereotypes who never show or present feelings or emotions
Konstantin fulfills serious stereotypes of being a boss, but is subverted when he is scared of Villanelle
What are the main representations in KE.#
One of the main representations is gender and women. They are presented as powerful, skilled, determined and intelligent, This can be seen with the two main characters of the first episode. First with Eve, she is presented to be massively intelligent and shown to have her wits around her. This can be shown when she is determined to get the information from Kaisha/ Villanelles victim, where she phones Elena to find out the killers appearance and how she uses her status as an MI5 agent to gain access to the hospital. She is seen as equal in the workplace, with Bill joking with her as his boss. She is only belittled by Frank later on, but she is not discriminated against at all. With Villanelle, her powerful prowess and assassin smooth moves are shown when she climbs ip the building drain pipe, stabs the man in Tuscany with the hair pin and with the violent hospital scene. She is powerful as she is feared by Konstantin when she 'pranks' him with the pills.
Men are represented as inferior, especially Konstantin with Villanelle. Frank is presented as bossy, aggressive and loud which follows stereotypes of male representations
British Values
Flashbacks:(Dad and son struggling, getting a job )
Present day - He is almost stable with a single parent, he is in 'in debt 'to loan sharks at the beginning to recruit them and use them in his plan.
Plans with the gang on how to get the the necklace and how it was being transported to an auction from the museum- the necklace set up in the louvre.
WE get a flashback of How the necklace was stolen years ago and the father was accused of theft
Lupin finds out and becomes a janitor/ Father was set up ages ago
They do the mission to steal the necklace/ also as an act of revenge for those years
Lupin' got away with the necklace that was basically killed his father those yeas ago - the book of Lupin is revealed to be the book he got all those years ago
Gender -
Assane is a male character lead, and he is smart, intelligent and physically strong. This both conforms and subverts usual stereotypes of men being rough, aggressive and hard natured- bringing in other representations of men.
The gang do conform to the stereotypical rough nature of men. They are also seen as dumb and unintelligent which may conform to those stereotypes.
Women are absent for the majority . The only portrayals is that of Assanes ex partner who is just stereotyped to the mother role. and Juliet pelligrini, who is sexualised in the pool scene and looks to be taking advantage of Assane. These are all negative portrayals
Social class
Gang - are in the slums and shown to be rude
Assane's father - Babakar is presented to be in the lower classes. He is presented to be hard working and loyal
Assane's baby mother - is presented to be comfortable and even tells Assane that the money can wait?
The Louvre
Juliet - Takes advantage of her white, rich status to take advantage of young Assane in the pool scene
Cleaners - the cleaners have ethnic diversity but are put at the bottom of the louvr'e - underneath the auction. The panning camera angle seperates the higher classes to the lower and a mix of representations are presented - class
Auction - Assane is the only black person in the auction of the white filled room - this presents how the stereotype of the white being of a richer, higher class is presented here.
Mr Pellegrini and the old patriarchal racist views expressed
Class divide and how it was prominent
The Auction scene and how Assane was the only black man - again old patricahal views represented
The Lupin Book - cultural France book loversa
The Louvre and how it is an icon for France for artwork
The gang and how they are portrayed referencing the slums - both culture and socidety
Lupin - younger generation - he is aspiring and youthful, intelligent and athletically able
Babakar - part of the older generation- he faces the old discrimination of racism due to the past 'traditional and old views of the generation
The gang
Juliet Pellegrini and her manipulation to young Assane and how she is seen as part of the male gaze
Assane's son is seen as a prized possession.
The old Pellegrinis - they are part of the rich upper class with conservative right wing views and outdated wrong ideologies of racism and ignoring
Class divide - we get to view the class divide between the rich and the poor slums of Paris. We can easily seen the class divide at the auction and tracking of the camera moving downwards into the ground and placing the 'poor. cleaners'underneath the rich
Ethnicity and Racism - The prejudice and discrimination experienced by Babakar is a key theme of how Paris was a racist country and how The Pellegrinis took advantage of their 'white status' due to a percieved societal patriachy
Gender - Even though it may not be a key, the show is dominated by the male gender. This focus's mainly on men, exluding women and a whole social class, alike disability. They also objectify women, presenting the flashback scenes of Paris to be old and patriachal. The absence of women and disability draws onto the representations and focuses our attention onto this because of the lack of even diversity
CONTEXTS - Killing Eve
SOCIAL - The MeToo movement had started, where women had come forward and share their past experiences and how they were wanting to fight against the abuse that men had put them through to break their silence
Political - Donald Trump had come into power, capitalistic and had his new law changes including Abortion rights and controversy
Cultural - All female writing team, empowering women and influencing Eve's and Villanelles representation
Historical - MI5 references could be seen as set in history as always unknown and mysterious
Demonising Russia and references to the historical references of how they were the villains and the divide between the countries due to the past stereotypical views because of the cold war
Economic - BBC America influences, using star vehicles like Sandra Oh
Lupin contexts
Ethnicity and Racism - The prejudice and discrimination experienced by Babakar is a key theme of how Paris was a racist country.
The Pellegrinis took advantage of their 'white status' due to a perceived societal patriarchy
Class divide - We can easily seen the class divide at the auction and tracking of the camera moving downwards into the ground and placing the 'poor. cleaners'underneath the rich
PARIS EIFFEL TOWER AND LOUV'RE - iconography relates of Paris and suggests how luxurious it is compared to the slums of Paris and how 80% of Paris live in the unhealthy and poverty stricken area
we get to view the class divide between the rich and the poor slums of Paris.
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