P2: Industry

 Media Industries and audiences Monday 4th November

L/O: to explore the content of unit

Comcast resarch:

  • Comcast Business
  • Xumo
  • Sky UK
  • Universal Pictures
  • A  + E Networks
  • Cloo
  • Comcast/charter Sports Southeast
  • Dreamworks Pictures
  • MGM Holdings
  • Sky News
  • Sky Group
  • NBC Universal
  • Effecttv
  • Comcast PHONE LLC
  • NBC
  • Comcast MO of Delaware
  • Spectra
  • Telemundo  
  • Chiller
  • FilmDistrict
  • Sky Box Office
  • Comcast SportsNet Houston
166.68 Billion at november 1st

Conglomerate is a large corporation that owns various business operating in different industries/ sectors. These companies usually operate individually whilst benefitting from shared resources e.g. management expertise etc.


Disney operates in various industries - media, entertainment, theme parks. Some companies include Pixar, Marvel, ABC

Disney's strategy of diversification and acquisition has helped it become one of the largest media and entertainment companies in the world. By expanding into different. businesses, disney can create synergies between subsidary companies

Disney's acquisition of Pixar in 2006 allowed it to expand into computer generated animation and help expand its own animation capabilities. This is the same with the Marvel studios acquisition in 2009 - good range of comic book characters


Industries - Disney Entertainment, ESPN , Disney Parks, experiences and products, consumer products
Disney is worth 173.76 billion

  • Theme Parks
  • Film
  • Television
  • Merchandise
Pixar - 7.4  Billion - short films and toy story
LucasFilm - 4 Billion - star wars
Marvel - 4 billion
Fox - 71.3 billion - Simpsons, Avatar, X - files.

Horizontal Integration: 
Involves the acquisition of / merger with a company that operates in the same industry and at the same level of the value chain - increases market share

Vertical Integrations: Acquisiton/ merger with a company operating in a different level of the value chain. The goal of vertical integration is to improve efficiency, control costs  and control over the supply chain - exhibition and distribution chain

Big 5: Columbia, Universal, Paramount, Warner Bros, Disney

Snow White: Friday 8th November


1898 - 1915: Pre - classical cinema

Invention of motion picture camera - Thomas Eddison + engineers

Lumiere brothers  premiered ten short films with the camera - 'cinematographerr
13 to 88 shorts

Editing - parallel shots
Late 1920s synchronised audio

1930s- 1945 Hollywood Major film studios:

Warner Bros - Jazz singer - first talking show, Little Ceasar

Hal Roach dubbed ' Laurel and Hardy'

RKO,Paramount ,Fox, Warner Bros ,MGM were failing. Vertical integration with the theatres were too expensive to handle.

MGM - The wizard of Oz

 Major Minor studios: Untied artists Columbia Universal thrived

Will Hays introduced rules and started regulation

eDisney history videoo

Monday 11th November 2024

Main Characters:    
Snow White
Evil Queen



Hunter has to kill her following evil queens orders, Snow White is spared and explores forest and  dwarfs hut with animal friends. Dwarfs eventually makes friends then the leave to mine in the morning. Meanwhile the queen turns to an old witch- and  makes a poisoned apple to kill her. Then she dies after being struck by lightning. Snow white eats apple and is revived by the Prince with a true loves kiss

Themes: Joy, happiness, evil

Representations: ( GROUPS, INDIVIDUALS,PLACES|) Dwarfs, age - children, old woman, nature, royalty, 

Monday 18th November 2024

Snow White L/O: to explore the context & influences in the 1930s

  • First film to release merch on the films release day
  • First movie to have the soundtrack released on vinyl
  • First full length animated feature film ever produced
  • Based on the fairy tale by Brothers Grimm. They changed the story to make it more appealing to a modern audience.
  • Started in 1934 and took 3 years to complete
  • Multi-plane camera - allowed them to create the illusion of depth and movement in the animation. New technology
  • Oversaw every aspect of production
  • Premiered December 21, 1937. Highest grossing film in 1938 and the success paved the way for other full length animated features
  • Today is regarded as a classic of animation and filmmaking. - continues to be beloved by audiences


  • The fairy tale by Brothers Grimm. The films producers took inspiration from the fairy tale themes of good vs evil
  • Multi-plane camera - allowed them to create the illusion of depth and movement in the animation. New technology
  • European Ballet and opera - 'Heigh Ho' 
  • Pioneering animator Winsor McCay and his use of character animation
Dwarfism is patronising, Produced by white men when hollywood targeted a white audience

Friday 22nd November 2024:

German Expressionism:

Film creation + Industry
WW1 brought film creation to a standstill in France, Germany & UK
German Government controlled what films could or shouldn't be created.
Germany had the only film industry that could compete with Hollywood
Brought in costume wearing
not many independent production companies.
Cabinet of Dr Caligari - film made that showed WW1 experience and distrust of authoritarian leaders

Created Mise En Scene - exaggerated and distorted to look creepy.
German creators fled to London during fascist Germany
unchained camera is free to move around the scene.
Nosferatu inspired by Caligari

Artistic movement that emerged in Germany -20th Century and it was characterised by a highly stylised and unsettling approach to art and film.
The Evil Queen's and the seven dwarf's designs use german expressionism with the angular lines, sharp angles and contrast of light vs dark. The castle uses expressionism with the towering turrets and twisted architecture. ( costume and setting)
Thematic elements of german expressionism - duality of human nature is present with the theme of good vs evil. This is shown with the evil queen - who is beautiful and cruel and in the conflict between Snow white and the Queen

Multiplane camera - allowed animators to create the illusion of depth and movement involving layers of art on different levels.
Rotoscoping - animators trace over live-action footage to create more realistic movement in the animation - more lifelike 
Made using only hand - drawn animation - wide team of animators 
Music and sound effects - Snowhite featured a groundbreaking musical score and sound effects

Snow white and the seven dwarfs, cinderella and Sleeping beauty all portray an idealised American vision with the fact that stereotypes are present. Masculinity and femininity are all following old traditional stereotypes of men working and the women being a housewives - cleaning and cooking which Americans followed and went with these traditions in 1937.

Disneys midwestern roots are presented with the appreciation of family,  community and had work are presented through the hardwork of Snow white and Cinderella emphasising the importance of family and community bonds.
Rural America is presented with the picturesque settings and idyllic small towns. This vision of America was popular as audiences were seeking an escape from the Great depression and world war 2
Some say that Disney limits representations and the view of American culture does not reflect the complexities and diversities of real life.

He was closely involved with all of the work and had gave feedback to try to work on and improve the quality of the film, often viewed as a 'perfectionist'
He organised company outings and valued his employees - events like picnics and holiday parties as well as benefits with a company pension plan

Notes on Disneyyyy

The Brothers Grimm fairy tales were a heavy inspiration as Disney took them and altered them to a more family friendly one to cater to all audiences. He used the old archaic stories and changed them to a more positive and encouraging animation to help support people in the great depression and to lift spirits. Disneys midwestern roots help present his appreciation of family,  hard work and community - this  is presented through the values and work shown by Snow White and Cinderella presenting the importance of family and community bonds which helped influence the light hearted story of the film(s). As Disney often worked closely with his creators and animators, the heart to heart conversations allowed him to examine the making of snow white which would focus on specific details towards the film, allowing his influences to be pivotal towards the making of it. German expressionism involved using the abstract qualities of mise - en -scene to highlight and attract the audience This is seen through The Evil Queen's and the seven dwarf's designs and how german expressionism is seen with the sharp angles, angular lines with the contrast of light vs dark with the playful and high key lighting to emphasise the costume. Her castle has the twisted architecture and towering turrets along with the life-like tress and mesmerising nature scenes to utilise the multiplane camera which gave depth and focus to all of the scenes. This new technology gave a realistic view and drove away from the 2D animation style.

Monday 25th November 2024

The Golden Age

L/O: to explore cinema in the 1930s

People would have to be segregated- people had to sit in other areas, pay more
Escapism was key - fairy and fantasy
  • Movie Palaces - many cinemas in the 1930s were large ornate buildings called ' Movie palaces'  These theatres feature elaborate architecture, plush seating. and luxurious amenities like air conditioning.
  • Double features  - in the 1930s, it was. common too show tow feature films for the price of one tickets - more films for less money
  • Newsreels and cartoons - cinemas showed newsreels and animated cartoons. Newsreels were short films provided news and current events from around the world, while cartoons were comedic or musical in nature.
  • Intermissions - films would have an intermission allowing moviegoers to stretch their legs , use the restroom and buy refreshments
  • Censorship - some films were subject to censorship by government bodies or industry associations- some films were banned outright if they were deemed offensive
  • Cinema was a popular form of entertainment that offered people a chance to escape from their everyday lives and immerse themselves in 

MGM, paramount pictures, 20th century fox and warner brothers were the main Hollywood studios- they controlled production, distribution, exhibition of their films which gave them power and control over the industry.

The distribution process involved sending copies of films to theatres around the country through a network of regional and national distributor. The distributors would negotiate with theatres to secure exhibition rights for the films and theatres would pay a percentage f their box office revenue to the distributor and studios.


Monday 2nd December 2024 Exhibition

L/O:  to explore Disney's exhibition strategy

Innovation - fist animated feature length film - significant technological and artistic achievement. Audiences were amazed by technical innovations e.g multiplane camera

Storytelling - engaging and accessible to audiences of all ages - based on a well known fairy tale - characters were charming and likeable.

Music- the films score featured memorable songs e.g 'whistle while you work' 'heigh ho' - becoming popular at the time

Marketing - trailers, posters  merchandise, generating interest before the films release

Reception- film was well received by critics who praised its technical achievements and storytelling. Positive reviews helped generate positive word of mouth to sustain interest.

Distribution: Marketing>

A year before, toys and themed items were sold a year before the films release.
Painted figures were sold.
Over 2000 different products were created for the film due to selling out. 

After snow white more feature films were released - Fantasia, Dumbo and Bambi further solidified disney as a lead animation industry.

In the 1950s and 60s they expanded into television - mickey mouse club.

Themeparks - 1955 disneyland was the worlds first theme park.

Digital and streaming - Disney+ in 2019


Synergy- McDonalds have a long standing partnership that have been beneficial for both companies beginning in the 1980s in their happy meals.- promoting Disney's films and increasing McDonalds revenue.

1937 soundtrack was released in 1938
1987 soundtrack - a new remastered version as well as new songs and recordings by contemporary  artists - Linda Ronstadt,  David Bisbal
Legacy soundtrack in 2015 - special edition as part of the legacy  collection. series

Snow white has been re-released 6 times:

1944 - snow white has been re - released in 1944 as part of the first national - re release - to help boost morale during world war 2
1952 - re-released as part of a double feature with Alice in wonderland.
1967 - snow white was release as part of the 30th anniversary with new merchandise tie -ins
1983 - released as part of a double feature with Mickey's christmas carol.

snow white was released on VHS in 1994
In 2001, Snow white was released on DVD, with a range of special features and bonus content.
Blu-ray 2009 with Disney diamond series - as well as special features and bonus content.
Digital - snow white had been available for purchase and rental - amazon prime, iTunes

Maintaining Audiences for older products - Nostalgia, timeless storytelling, groundbreaking animation, memorable characters and music, disney's branding and values

Live action remakes: - allows them to breathe new life into their classic characters and stories introducing them to a new generation of viewers. By using modern technology and filmmaking techniques, they can make the film more visually appealing.  This can create more revenue. Disney is looking for ways to differentiate themselves and stand  out in a crowded market. It also captures on nostalgia and evokes emotion with the heavy stories
Contexts Friday 6th December 2024

L/O: to explore regulation & context of 1930s 

BBFC - film regulatory in UK

Films regulated in 1937

US - Hays code introduced in 1930 5o regulate film content and uphold moral standards . Aimed to eliminate content deemed immoral or offensive e.g violence, profanity and sexuality.

Snow white as produced in accordance with the hays code however it pushed the boundaries of what was considered acceptable in animated films - dark and scary scenes.

BBFC was established in 1912 for age ratings - U - suitable for all, A- adults only, X - restricted to viewers over 16.
They had the power to cut or ban films that were deemed to be offensive.

Snow white was classified as U  - suitable for all ages. The board did raise concerns about the films scary scenes particularly the evil queen, but the film was given a warning of how it may not be suitable for very young children

Both the American and British film industry regulations had an impact on production and distribution of Snow white. The film was able to navigate and uphold those regulations and achieve commercial success - reflecting limitations and restrictions placed on filmmakers at the time.

Economic context:
  • Production costs, revenue streams, merchandising and the films historical significance
  • Production costs - 1.5 million dollars  - significant investment for an animated film in that era.
  • Revenue streams - highest grossing film at the time . Over 8 million dollars at the box office during its initial release. The success contributed to Disney's financial stability.
  • Merchandise was early on and established  a merchandising empire which capitalised on the films popularity
  • Established animation as a full length feature
Historical contexts:

Dominance of hollywood majors: release strategies reflect changes
Source of income: merchandising & additional revenue sources
Proliferation of technology: audience expectations

Monday 9th December 2024

L/O: to explore the set texts

A blockbuster has a large budget, high production. values and features well known actors and directors. Designed for a wide audience and for a high box office revenue - typically having a strong marketing campaign and are released during peak moviegoing periods e.g summer/ holiday season.

A blockbuster is not only financially successful but also culturally significant and recognised by audiences: Titanic,  Harry potter, star wars. 

The MCU Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). is a series of interconnected films and TV shows produced by marvel studios and based on characters from Marvel Comics

Wide range of Characters with personalities and abilities as well as an approach to storytelling being complex and interwoven within the films and TV shows. MCU is more known for its humour vs the DCU which is criticised for being overly dark

Legacy character - identity is passed from an older character in the form of a title, job or persona for the newer character to assume


Shang-Chi has an origin story which introduce the character of Shang-Chi to the MCU allowing the film to explore new themes and ideas such as family,identity and cultural heritage

Cultural Representation: Shang Chi is the first marvel film to feature an Asian superhero as the lead character and the film celebrates and embraces its Asian heritage, straying away from the predominantly white cast of other marvel films

Action sequences - Visually stunning and innovative action sequences i incorporating martial arts, acrobatics and CGI to create thrilling and dynamic fight scenes

There villain is compelling and complex as well as connections to the MCU

Main Characters


Flashback to 1996 where we see Man hungry for power fighting a woman, revealed to be Shang-Chi's mother
We experience Shang-Chi and his friend Katie were in the modern day working and living their daily lives.
It is disrupted when threy are on the bus and hey are attacked by gang
 They run away top their sister
They get captured - their dad reveals a plan to open the gate and get their mother back from it. 
Dad opens it and then the gate monsters come out. Shang-Chi fights him, but Dad dies to monster, Shang-Chi gets the rings then they win the battle against monster
Xiu Xiulng




Asian is only shown, where a voiceover of the Asian woman is speaking.
Men and Women are equal, women wins the fight ( opposite to the 1930s)
Asian culture is powerful and sentimental
Men are shown as violent and aggressive, hunting for women
Good vs Evil.

Changes in the film industry:

CGI , animated effects, and a lengthier film than before
Representations more diverse - only white is shown in snow white, however there are a range of ethnicities in Shang-Chi
Gender is more equal, women and men both fighting in the war, both working at the car butler service.  Katie is a better driver, subverting traditional norms

Monday 6th January 2025
Shang-Chi  & The Legend of the ten rings

L/O: to explore the context of the set text.

  • International conglomerate with various companies are a small part of its operations
  • Film is still seen as an art form - so keeps its status.  Films and spin-offs remain important for Disney. 
  • Revenue is more focused on television, parks, cruises, merchandising.
  • Diversified from animation to Television - including ABC broadcast network,Disney Channel, National Geographic, Freeform

Disney+ and Hulu are rapidly growing but were still losing profit in 2020. Disneys films are key to establishing awareness where growth of audience share is more important than profit

Exclusive rights to blockbuster films like Shang-Chi can promote the service by making new television series spin - offs

Disney had cut all licensing deals with streaming companies e.g netflix in order to ensure exclusivity for Disney+ 


1)The film was directed by Destin Daniel Cretton from a screenplay he wrote with Dave Callaham and Andrew Lanham
2) Kevin Feige, Jonathon Schwartz
3)Produced by Marvel
4)Distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion pictures
5)Production budget $150,000,000
6) Marketing budget$110 million
7) The film had a 45-day exclusive theatrical release, rather than being released8) over $432 million worldwide


Produced by Marvel Studios, a subsidiary of Disney
Stan Lee's work is reflected but modernised for modernisation especially for Shang - Chi
Vertical integration is represented because of Disneys ownership of Marvel Studios
Disney doesn't control the cinema trains or theatrical release


Karate/ Fighting Martial Arts - significant influences from Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee.
Asian Culture/heritage
Shang Chi Comic books
Superhero Marvel influences - part of the MCU - conventions of the superhero genre
Chinese mythology/ folklore - dragons and the great protector
Hong Kong cinema
fantasy adventure films

New Technologies:

CGI - computer generated Imagery - wide range of special effects. - creation of entire environments and addition of special effects to live action footage

Motion capture - actors movements are captured using special cameras and sensors, then used to animate a digital character - realistic and expressive movements

Green screen - replace backgrounds with a digitally created environment

Practical effects - realistic and tactile environments

3D printing - intricate props that aren't made through traditional movements

Streaming Services

Offering a wide range of content - reduces the incentive to go to illegal streaming with the help of the comprehensive library

Provides high-quality streaming - fast and reliable  and high definition video and make it harder for people to justify the risk

Implementing anti-piracy measures.  - measures like digital rights management prevent unauthorised copying allowing content owners to track the source of leaked content

Competitive pricing

Streaming and Disney

Arrival of digitally convergent media platforms has had a significant impact

Disney can expand their distribution channels to reach a wider audience. Has used other streaming services like Disney+, Netflix, Hulu yo allow the company to increase their revenue streams and profit

Secondly this has allowed Disney to connect with audiences in new and engaging ways
provides Disney with wealth of data and insights about their audiences.
Competition between streaming services means it has to adapt to changing consumer behaviour and preferences.

Friday 10th January 2025 Shang-Chi Marketing & Promotion


L/O: to explore the marketing of the set text


Adverts - billboards, 
posters, bus
McDonalds - brand switching - collaborations
Trailers - adverts on youtube, cinema
Social media
Press Coverage
Publicity stunts
Influencer marketing
Magazines - accounts, companies
Actor interviews
Game events
Radio adverts

Distribution agreements: 

Film producers are involves with a film before production advising on marketability

The promotion in all media before and after release
Different cuts necessary for different cultures or territories
How the income for the release will be apportioned
How far the distribution licence extends into other markets such as TV & Home entertainment

The main objective is to create visibility for an individual film and engage the audience's interest

Because  of the proliferation of films, interest needs to be built to a peak just before the film opens at cinemas

Early release windows create issues with substitutability ( when a film is shown in cinemas then made available on DVD, pay-per-view, streaming etc. ) 

Project being unveiled at. 2019 comic con
Full trailer on Disneys ESPN in a pre - basketball match - initial target audience for men
BMW intertextuality

Lego promotion - to help promote it to children
BTS documentary marvel
Chat shows and magazines
Disney's theme park
Fundraiser for Asian children

Monday 13th January 2024 

Genre - superhero, combat, martial arts, legends/ folklore, good vs evil.  Neon colours all link to fantasy elememt
Narrative - Battle / fight drama between ma n and villain with powers
Binary Oppositions - young vs old, good vs evil
Semiotics - ten rings on arm signs of weapons and violence with the fighting scene in the middle,  women to the side, not as important as men?, powers, fighting, serious, Chinese/Asian culture, superhero suit
Stars Awkwafina, Simu Liu
Tone - fighting, exhilarating, tense, action - packed
Intertextuality - superheros, superhero suit, male superhero cliche, good vs evil, Shang-chi origins comic book, BMW


Key audience appeals - Dad vs Father, Asian/ Chinese culture, action sequences, fans of marvel, setting of both San Francisco and Asia, martial arts CGI secenes

Marketing has changed, but also have many qualities of marketing still apparent in both the 1930s and 2020. First with Snow white, pre merchandise was a key force in advertising which drew interest towards the film - having a huge campaign lead up to the big blockbuster date, including figures, toys, collectibles. They had done this a year before the years the release, and after as well, due to Snow White not being in the UK as it was in the US first. Snow white also had major re-release, having merchandise be relevant for the marketing strategy. This can also be the same for Shang-Chi, where merchandise was also present - including special. funko pops, lego - toys, collectibles. These are the same sort. of items that were welcomed in. both the 1930s and 2010s which presents how the marketing strategies has changed but also remained consistent. 
Shang-Chi however had different forms of advertising, with having character mini posters, featuring the main cast individually. This was extremely well-received as it draws in those who are familiar with the actors - stars as well as getting to be familiarised with the. narrative and the actual film contents due to the costumes - mise-en-scene being present in greater detail. This means that the proliferation of  marketing strategies were essential to captivate a more modern audience, and how a single main poster was not enough, as merchandise and collaborations were also essential for the marketing campaign. The main poster.
CGI was not around in the 1930s, so that was used in the trailer - dragon, CGI with the levitating rings and martial arts with controlling the wind. These were all doable with the use of CGI, and how these exclusive and engaging special effects captured the interests of audiences. The multiplane camera was a new invention in the 1930s to add depth to the animation, so that was how snow white made its success', with this changing to CGI in the 2000's.
Streaming services and the internet had changed how people would visit and consume films. Now, you can just pay online for a wide variety of films and wait for blockbusters to come out without even going to the cinema, In the 1930s, the only way to see trailers was at the cinema

Economic Context: Friday 17th January 2025

L/O: to explore the context of set text

Production budget- 

Production budget $150million for Shang-Chi
Box office revenue - crucial factor in determing economical success
Merchandising - intellectual properties - their own rights to the films

Adults love collecting funko pops and marvels, as well as teenagers  loving sweatshirts. Everyone loves lego but mainly the target audience is for kids
Funko pop release - April 2021, before the film which was 3rd september 2021

Market trends - Audience demand, competition and consumer preferences impact success 
Streaming and distribution - Disney+ platform

Audience and regulation

L/O to explore the regulation of the film

regulation is a 12 for Shang Chi because of the battle war scenes, The martial arts fused with the violence, the bus scene with hand to hand combat. Katy acts as a comedic aside, straying away from the detail on violence. Bad language, and partially racist comments

At 12A, BBFC Guidelines state that: ‘There should be no emphasis on injuries or blood, but
occasional gory moments may be permitted if justified by the context’. ‘Bloody images’ features
in BBFC content advice for Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings and covers the sight
of blood following violent scenes, as well as the occasional close-up emphasis on cuts and
grazes sustained by certain characters.'

From the BBFC , main reasoning

American rating - PG 13 

Shang Chi drowning scene
Martial arts fight
Cage club fighting

Streaming sites have their own regulation due to having various countries use the streaming sites - remains consistent so it doesn't change for all countries
Confusion may be caused with different age ratings as it could be different to a persons country or BBFC values

Shang-Chi was banned until January 2023. The reasoning is unclear:
Trade tensions between China and the US, strict rules for distribution
Portrayal of Chinese culture with inspiration of mythology, possible stereotypes
China has strict rules of media content deeming politically sensitive or culturally inappropiate

Exam Format Monday 20th January 2025

L/O: to explore exam style questions

1)Good use of lexis
Marketing strategies and examples
Showing how it changed - examples for recent years

2) More audience and not how the marketing strategies worked

3) More ranting and an absence of comparison, no marketing strategies of the 1960s were presented

Producers target, reach and engage audience heavily through content marketing, because marketing involves various processes of reaching audiences, including advertising and merchandise, as well as content being useful due to it being the heart of the operation and why the audiences are attracted to the film in the first place.

First, Snow White and the seven dwarfs had a limited budget, due to Disney's company taking a loan to finish the film, since it was the first ever full length animated feature film. This immediately was a big surprise to audiences, as the cinema really only had short animated films, especially for trailers. Snow White was a first, thats why it was so expensive, so the film initially would have been interesting and surreal to audiences, due to being the first of it's kind. Marketing had a lot to play with this, however as merchandise was sold in various stores in America, a year before the film was released. This hyped the audience up, and attracted them to the film. They get to view the characters and purchase merch including toys, dolls, figures, and later on ( when the film was successful) the first ever animated film to have its own soundtrack released?. The merchandise contributed alongside advertising strategies including posters, a trailer, word-of mouth, which all converged to promote the film and excite audience for the first ever animated feature film. Additionally, the content of the film also was re-released, each time on DVD being a new 'exclusive' versions for Disney's anniversaries. These added tons of bonus features and special content which was brand new and exciting, so audience could still be entertained, and also it may become sentimental to some audiences - who saw the movie the first time, but now was a parent and showing their children the beauty of the film they witnessed as a child. This re-released strategy was a good marketing strategy so Disney could remain having a high traditional status that would be released in cinemas or have updated graphics as proliferation of advancing technologies occurred.

In modern day, technology had advanced very far, where in 2021, marketing had engaged audiences in new ands thrilling ways. Since our culture had moved chronically online, marketing had to engage and interact online to keep and attract audiences to Disney's products, one of which being Shang-Chi and the Legend of the ten rings. In 2021, we now have streaming services and the internet, where disney no longer has the traditional exclusive rewatch feature due to audience's demands becoming more and more digitalised and modern. This meant new techniques had to be used to ensure Shang-Chi remained successful, one of which was fandom. The Marvel brand had many fans, so by including Marvel (owned by Disney) in the advertising methods - trailers, posters, online interviews, adverts, chat shows, McDonalds partnership- Marvel would have been named in a red box on the posters. This was part of brand loyalty, where fans would feel the need to watch everything marvel because they were addicted and loved the MCU - marvel cinematic universe. Disney could use this to their advantage. By having brand loyalty, targeting them as the audience would bring in money and views because of their love for the franchise. This would also give them a free marketing outlet, due to the rise of social media - instagram, snapchat,facebook and TikTok. All of these are where fans share and produce their own content e.g fan art,edits (Jenkins theory of fandom could be relevant here)etc, which people shared everywhere. If Marvel advertised their Shang - Chi on social media, the fans would more than likely share and circulate the trailers everywhere. Character posters could involve the audience and invoke discussions 

Friday 24th January 2025

L/O: to summarise key factors in the film industry

Oligopoly - the 5 major Hollywood studios that controlled the USA market - Paramount picture, Metro Goldwyn Mayer, 20th Century fox, RKO, Warner Brothers pictures

Tentpole films - a blockbuster film that has money for lower budget riskier films 
Saturated distribution - the production is spread globally and filled in every country

Shang-Chi is the first marvel film to feature an asian cast - Tony Leung and Michelle Yeoh - major names in the market

Production - First ever animation to use technicolor
2 main VA were unknown
Cel animation
Multiplane camera
Hand colouring and rotoscoping

Distribution - premiered in LA December 1937 then 2 cinemas New York and Miami in 1938
RKO then decuded for a general relase in February 1938 due to good box office. and successful promotional release

Release points - VHS in 1994
Re release every 7 years
DVD in 2001- Disney's platinum which featured special clips unseen before
Blu-Ray 2009

Marketing  - star-studded premiere
Reportedly, the premiere was nationally on NBC Radio
 A glowing review in Time Magazine, a week after its release
Print poster campaign, which foregrounds Snow White caring for her 'family' of dwarfs
Trailer featuring Walt explaining the characters of the dwarfs
Merchandise - first film to experiment with nerch
Mcdonalds 2001 tie in

Historical contexts - Snow White

Suggests an age in which sensibilities about difference were rather blunt.
Attitude towards dwarfism were patronisinbh
Produced by white men in an era targeted towards a white audience
Gender representations represent an uncritically patriachal society

Hays codde forbade a range of representations that would be normal today
Ban on ' Miscegenation and homosexuality would be today seen as racist and homophobic today
During the great depression, 1929, Snow White offers an escapism
German film makers and fascism may have influences


Production - CGI, motion capture and blue screen techbology are synoymous with Marvel superhero films - immersive experience
complex choreographed scenes

Distribution- Vertical integration - Released in cinemas May 2021, then to Disney+ - November 2021
Initially banned in china
Budget was 150-200 Million dollars. Australia was the shooting area - state and national funding gave $24 million

Release: Premiered in August 2021m then released on labor day 3-6 september US 2021 - public holiday
Simultaneous 'saturation' release in 4300 cinemas, avengers endgame opened in 4700
Box office dropped 67% after first week of release

Marketing points - global and digital distribution - distributed  in 2/3 of its international markets by the end of its opening weekends
Trailer reflects the power of Marvel as a brand - producers are named but the cast wasn't -emphasises the archetypal hero narrative with family drama, spectacle action, martial arts scenes and a hint of romantic comedy
Appeals to first MCU audiences and  MCU fans
Extensive global and print campagn 
April 2022 - Simu Liuu released the teaser poster
June 2021 - full official trailer during basketball game

Economic Contexts - free Market Capitalism

Hollywood works to a commercial imperative - pursuit of profit through selling to audiences, to promotional partners/ advertisers
Anti-trust laws in the US protect free markets by ensuring competition
US and Uk are free of state regulation - classification is run by the industry itself
China film Group Corporation gas a state granted monopoly by importing foreign films into China

Economic Domination of the US film industry

His films were globally distrubuted due to being in the US

Globalisation - both films were successful in global markets
The pace of globalisation acclerated at the end of the 20th century and Shang-Chi's represents a typically global product - and American film shot to Australia representing a fictionalised Chinese culture

BBC Radio 1   RADIO  Friday 7th January 2025

L/O: to research the background & industry behind the BBC radio 1 show

Show was launched in 1967.  offered a diet of pop music
Alternative radio channels to radio 2 and 4 when there was no breakfast TV and no independent radio stations .The Government requested it following the banning of pirate radio stations

1) Public Service Broad casting is a remit that the BBC has to follow to inform, entertain and educate audiences  - Reithian PSB principles

Reithian PSB principles  ideologies link to social integration and empowerment

BBC 1 radio1 remit - entertain and engage a broad range of young listeners with a distinctive mix of contemporary music and speech


Way of educating the masses
BBC must be funded by a public license fee
Must be approachable and accountable
High quality broadcasting but with a background of tradition

2) BBC is funded through TV licensing fee

40 local radio stations serving defined areas if England

BBCs mission - 


Respect,  creativity


03/03/25 - analysis and link to the show

News is presented thoroughly, with a mix of UK and world wide topics

Gaming and shortening game
Ukraine and Russia
doechii and anxiety and creativity 
Canada plane crash

2- Learning for all ages - news, information, oxytocin from tree

3- radio quizzes, mega massive monday and yesterday quiz. London and Birmingham live and outside showing high quality etc.

4- reflecting UK of all accents with Greg having english accent, Scottish news presenter and then the welsh accent

5) School things - the play equipment and the good morning everyone audience discussion
Supporting upcoming and emerging audiences - talking more about the upmerging artists.



Funding model problems

BBC monopoly 

Culturally UK government
Over 75s now pay unless on pension credit
Why shouldn't all channels get the license fee

Funding and production

Decline in quality is different however that affects the brand and the reputation of BBC as institution hence Grimshaw James switch

Niche programmes can be broadcast on the back of success of the more mainstream products like the Breakfast show

Commercial stations tend to play advertisements in long, aggressive, attention-grabbing blocks, with shorter blocks of music tucked in between. By comparison, non-commercial stations do not run advertisements at all.

Radio 1 breakfast sow Monday 10th February 2025

L/O: to research the background and industry behind the BBC Radio 1 show 

  • PSB is meant to be politically neutral
  • PSB institutions are dependent on political support]
  • Cultural policy suggests PSB encourages inclusivity but also encourages a national culture
  • This links to Reithian origins but develops into global debate of the whole concept of national television vs Global television
  • BBC News vs Al Jazeera English
BBC Radio 1 Target audience is 15 - 29 year olds

7am - 10:30am - music, quizzes, chat, guest interviews, phone in and competitions
Broadcast in comedic ' zoo format ( wacky, zany, personality led - bits and pieces

3) You can access it on the daio and on the internet, BBC sounds app, 
4) The remit is that it should support new emerging artists, especially UK ones, live music, News, documentaries and advice campaigns should cover areas of relevance to young adults
5) Radio 2, Heart, Zoe Ball's breakfast show

The show can have broadcasts from Glastonbury, Wimbledon, Ibiza weekend, generating more income from PSB than commercial radio

 PSB can promote:

The Live Lounge ( Radio 1's in house live artist recordings
Far more expansive playlist than its commercial counterparts
Promoting and developing upcoming artists from a range of genres
Hosting the annual sound of the year poll ( won in previous years by Adele and Sam Smith
Promoting artists at the Reading and Leeds festivals, Radio soundstage


Real time dialogue with audiences through text,email and social media
Podcasts of sections of the show available to download
Youtube channel, shareable and has celebrity related content (1.4 billion views of June 2017)
BBC sounds app
Socials - twitter, instagram, Snapchat Facebook
Dedicated video channel on BBC iplayer

How does it fulfill the remit:

Podcast, online services that younger generation would use.
Upcoming artist - Chappell Roan and HArry Styles UK
UK host - target audience
Whatsapp, email and SMS all of which new technology users would use
Bright colours are exciting which young users love 

Monday 24th February 2025

Twitter - Prioritising news stuff, Ukraine war thing which is reposted from BBC , current affairs
Instagram - more news and images
Tiktok - radio 1 has videos of more celebrity type fun
Facebook - identical to twitter to fit the older demographic

Radio 1 breakfast show `Monday 3rd March 2025

L/O: to explore industry & contextual areas

Music is playlisted and decided by a committee - 40 records to choose from each week for repeated daytime ply ( A list records get 25 plays a week, B-list gets 15 and C list eight to 10 plays)

Choices are partly guided by whats popular with young people online; may older artists are not included as the network is trying to keep and under 30 audience

There is also a Brit List which helps push featured new British artists- again to make the output less globally homogenous and making it more distinctive

Work under public purposes.

Regulation - Ofcom holds the BBC to account, ensuring it keeps to its charter amd agreement - renewed in 2022

The Mission of the BBC is to act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate and entertain.

The BBC had to make sure it keeps to its strict PSB remit: Greg James nearly quit during lockdown. Controversially, putting it out there - The show is PSB.

This is Ofcom’s seventh Annual Report on the BBC in which we assess the BBC’s performance against all areas of our regulation and set out how we have carried out our role. 

We are responsible for holding the BBC to account on behalf of audiences by providing fair, robust and independent regulation. The three key aspects of our role are: overseeing the BBC’s performance in delivering its Mission and Public Purposes; protecting fair and effective competition; and securing content standards in BBC programming.

Each year we are required to publish a report that sets out how we have carried out our function as the BBC’s independent regulator, and assesses the BBC’s compliance with the requirements of our Operating Framework and associated documents.  At least annually, we must also report on how the BBC has performed against the performance measures we set. Underlying data and evidence that supports our assessment is included in the accompanying interactive report.

Audience interaction:

MAtes round the table collective presentation style and mode of address makes it feel as part of a group of friends 

Social media is a way for audiences to interacr. Even if the interaction isn't heard, , it shapes the nature of the programme and the involvement gains and keeps the audience

Friday 7th March 2025

L/O: to explore industry and contextual areas

Maintaining Audienes

Audiences were 5 million (2018) for the radio but now it is 4.3million 
More listeners use catch up and on-demand services
BBC's coverage of national live events has driven a record 582 million plays on BBC sounds
The youth networks have all increased per year.  Radio 1 had 8.6 million users aged 10+ listeners
Radio 1 breakfast show with Greg has 4.3 million 10+ aged listeners

Audiences are categorised and measured by RAJAR  - now the official body in charge of measuring radio audiences in the UK - jointly owned by the BBC and the radiocentre on behalf on the commercial sector

Different remits hit different audiences - Radio 1 for the younger demographic
Help with live events and regional events help target this


78% of the population are still listening to the radio


James has attracted 250,000 new listeners in his  first year



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