Tv Drama Paper 2
Long Form
Tv Drama Tuesday 31st October
L/O: to explore the content of the unit
To explore the genre of Tv drama.
establish key conventions of the genre
30 mark, 10 marks, 60%
Long form TV drama Tuesday 7th November 2023
L/O: to research the first set text
Defining the genre.
Central characters whose motives develop with them:
Family, man separated from Brody with soldier. spies with surveillance, Carrie CIA
A main storyline with interwoven subplots:
life without Brody, spies. girl drama with boyfriend, mum with boyfriend. spy thriller
A combination of complex characters that are ambiguous or enigmatic, creating tension for the audience:
Killing Eve research
BBC three
8 April 2018
They used a book writer for part of the shows production, all female writer Sandra Oh is a famous American
Primetime Emmy award, 168 nominations
~~British academy television award
3.5million views Uk
Westminster attack(2017)
helicopter crash(2018)
thriller suspense
American context, high school shooting anti gun laws
Donald Trump in 2017 becomes president
Homework: in from the cold
Various sub plots occurring to give us a background exposition and interesting scenes. Traditional spy wear like outfits - stealth outfit and suits. Characters are all diverse and unique, each having a different personality trait which we get to see grow and adapt in the episode. (we learn about the friends and ice skating and the mothers dark killing past)
Monday 13th November 2023
Main Narrative Quest/conflict set up:
Main killing where a man died and a witness has information who later died.
Villain is unnamed and mysterious - who is it?
Enigma Codes:
Who is the mysterious killer, Villanelle?
How was she trained to be a killer.
How she killed them?
Individual character narratives.
Eves mission to find out the killer as well as having a boring life
Villanelles mission to kill people for money and cover her tracks
Bill and Assistant also moved to a new work place.
Tuesday 14th November 2023 Genre:
L/O: to explore the narrative, theme & characters in set episode.
To explore the theories of narrative and genre and apply these to texts
Typical male lead ( KE subverts this)
Female secretary
hidden backstory
smart outfits
humorous and funny with serious e
Equilbrium- she is investigating a death. Married, casual day
Recognition of Disruption- Eve notices this throughout the week
Attempt to resolve: Eve starts her own investigation, even interviewing and failing to protect the witness
New equilibrium- she has lost her job but offered a new one with Caroline
Monday 20th November 2023
Codes and conventions formed by repeated use in media products
Not fixed and any additons in code and conventions could add or change the genre to a hybrid or create mixed genre feelings
Intertextual relay: Reviews , advertisements and even merchandise can also add to the genre codes and conventions as they are written and established.
Killing Eve- spy thriller
In from the cold is similar
The protagonist and villain and both female which is typically not a standard code convention of spy thrillers
On dvd covers, reviews and adverts which could add detail
Killing Eve: Industry and Context 20/11/23
L/O: to explore the production, social and political context of set products
Historical: TV Dramas are influenced by historical contexts, social influences and important historical events.
Economic: Economic contexts through: financial, production and technological ways. Budget size, commercial and public service , marketing and stars (celebs) in productions.
Political: Media language and messages created for global events/ issues. Political perspective resented- national vs global identities and perspective. Ideologies created.
Social: How audience react to Long form TV drama. How drama influences society on politic, gender and crime on the audience. Genre hybrids, different narratives and media language can give examples on how society is like.
Cultural: How LFTVD affects audiences values of cultures. What appear on screens like nationalism, patriarchy, family, religion,age race and how they are represented can convey messages to the audiences
Increase in women individuality, everyone was pleased however men still control some of womens rights in Saudi Arabia- they are still not equal
gun crime was high so mentioning this in killing eve would be a direct notation towards the gun violence in american schools
Trump gave up some truth tellers , giving a biased society for him as he removed those who stood against him to say their honest work. He didnt give 400 milliion dollars to Ukraine- not helpful. Anti- LGBTQ
They were still allowed, the women didnt get justice for what happened
They were still allowed, the women didnt get justice for what happened
This brought along women's rights and let women speak out- individual cases causes a rise in getting justice and giving women the power to speak up about how their lives have been negatively affected by men- allows them to call the police and get their problems solved which could include killing eve using this to let them speak freely about their own feelings
Tuesday 21st November 2023 Industry and Context
L/O: to apply relevant theory to contextual issues shown in the text
Terrorist attacks, India president
Semiology is the study of signs- in anything. Denotations is the actual meaning. They create connotations- meanings and myths
Levi Strauss- Binary Opposition: opposites convey meanings. One has to be there to show the others impacts.Ice-cream - associations with delight, fun, treat and innocence.
Serious vs unserious
Authority of women vs man - she still is respected by Carolyn when she is late.
eager vs serious and dull - young female is interesting and thinking of possibilities where old man doesn't want to investigate- lenient
Killing Eve: Characters: Eve 27th November 2023
L/O: to explore the narrative and characterisation of Eve in set products
Colonialism is a practice by which a one group of people, social construct, or nation state controls, directs, or imposes taxes or tribute on other people or areas, often by establishing colonies, generally for strategic and economic advancement of the colonising group or construct
Smart suit, equal in conversation, blocking, equal, side by side, respectful by looking
How is Eve represented - dramatic, sense of humour, realistic, formal in her outfit, jokey with her mannerisms
Egotistical - late and unorganised - meeting and worrying about food- not even caring what they think of her - defiant and able to stand up for herself since she disrupted the meeting
Immature- the betting and the screaming bed thing- not formalised- diegetic sound
Likeable, relatable and getting drunk with singing- informal colloquial chat
Key events - waking up, meeting
Office plus investigation scene:
13-19 mins
Invested in the investigation, willing to check out and investigate - knowledgeable, deceiving since its not allowed to investigate, determined- camera shot
Persistent and thirsty for knowledge- diegetic sound- how she wasn't backing down to find out the lead( dialogue)
Cultural reference to British drinking
Informal - 'tits' 'piss of'
Eve and the context of gender is presented as natural and powerful in the opening scenes of killing Eve. First, Eve walks in with her croissant whilst being late, this mise-en-scene( camera angle following/tracking her) connoting her confidence and her true care for herself as she doesn't stop to wait and cry about what people think about her - representing that women are powerful and not controlled by men as stereotypically police agencies were always controlled and surveyed by men. This creates an ideology that women can be whoever they want, relating to Van Zoonen's theory , due to Eve being portrayed as herself and not being harshly judged because of her gender. The theory allows the audience to relate and know that women are not worthless and can always be in positions of power in reality like Eve has been portrayed to the mise-en-scene zooming in on the details (croissant) that she isn't afraid of
Because traditionally female roles in typical jobs are less adventurous and more nurturing like cooks, maids, teachers- which is not normally roles like spies and adventures which Eve does- reflecting society as leading for job equality as typically more managers and heads of office are male, with Eve in full control and being looked at as inspirational and relatable representing her to all women that being in a position of power and control is good and strives for equality in the workplace rather than men.
Tuesday 28th November
T: 5.Link to context- Social context of female roles that this then reflects as present now.
Low angle midshot, dirty single - her whole body is respected and involving both characters
Diegetic dialogue - determination to find out that he's lazy and not taking her seriously- higher pitch for more
Props to prove her determination with her research and that she is trying to find out who is doing the killing - organised
She is in distress- dialogue diegetic major component as well as as the camera following her and How Eve is blocked- by moving faster when she is in distress- shows she can get panicky in high stress situations - realistic in high pressured
Gender roles is created by performance and how these roles have been repeated over and over to become naturalised
Those who identify as not feminine or masculine creates gender trouble if they arent within a heterosexual mindset
Feminine and masculine roles are constructed by performance
Gender is created by what we are and depends on cultural and historical contexts , including patriarchyGender, class and sexuality also contribute to oppression alongside to gender to create a view that they affect a white superior patriarchy dominating media representations
Eve and Villanelle are from different backgrounds but the media language with editing and props showcase that class isn't an issue
Eve combats the oppression of the patriarchal society that men are higher up, which clearly they aren't- promoting that they are oppositional to those characters like Bill and Frank who are meant to be higher up but are less dominant which is anti-sterotypical.
Monday 4th December 2023
Eve is shown to be realistic with a sense of humour at the beginning when she wakes up screaming and ,making a huge fuss due to the funny pain - the camera angles and diegetic dialogue being zoomed in and focusing on only her actions- presenting her wild and funny side as she is the centre of attention and in focus, grabbing the audience's attention to make not whilst she screams to connote how her funny screaming actions is a side of her, which present women as funny and quirky in today's society. Van zoonens theory that gender is what we create is applied here as stereotypically , women weren't allowed have opinions or do anything they want, which presents that gender is created as powerful and not stereotypically female, connoting that women arent limited to the typically female aspects of gender but are allowed to access typical 'masculine' ones of being loud and funny. Opposedly, she is presented as determine, her diegetic sound being used again with a props usage of documents to showcase her mission as vital and important with the excessive notes and sophistication of her speech proving she is determined to figure out the killers motives. This is a good representation of women in Killing Eve as she is presented to be aspirational and want to achieve her goals, which provides a message to all other females that want to achieve their dream job in the government of high skilled like the navy, biologists as Eve, a female is a symbol for those goals. Butler, a theorist that proposes that gender is created due top how they are performed. Sandra Oh performs Eve as powerful, funny and determined as we have seen, therefore creating a gender role that women are smart, intelligent, brave and individual due to the performance Oh has created and not just mens tools, proving how society as a whole have moved on from a traditional patriarchal society where women were not given the chance to perform at all in higher class job roles
Killing Eve: Characters Villanelle
L/O: to explore the narrative and characterisation of Villanelle in set products
Anti- hero vs Antagonist
Stylish- creative
over the top - big dresses
wealthy - expensive
powerful - low camera angles
judgemental - facial expression
feminine - costume- tight and typically feminine
Ice cream shop
Blocking and wide shot of girl- parallel and opposing
Watch with possible blood
Lack of human empathy with facial expression - not smiling
Copies waiters smile adds depth to how she isn't natural
Lack of diegetic sound adds depth to the facial expressions
Cruel with gestures and tipping ice cream
Her bedroom
shopping bags and typically feminine -happy
Funny dialogue, mock helping old lady, humorous
feminine and makeup , clothes
Bullets and tampons- life against job, introduces her role with props
laptop prop and research proves she is determined as well and curious to see her victims
Pranks boss by scaring him with fake overdose- weird and unnatural vibes
Playful with dialogue. Diegetic sound with piano classical music adds ambience and an edge to the room.
Villanelle is represented as a typically feminine women as well as being unnatural and weird at times. First, she is presented to be well fancily dressed with tons of designer shopping bags, not run down and poor stereotyped ones. The props and costume ( parts of mise-en-scene media language) being combined with low shots and wide shots give us a full detail of her appearance and what she is carrying, letting us experience and view her character as. a whole which reflects how her gender is represented: stereotypically feminine with shopping bags and bright coloured pink accessories which is also traditionally feminine as well. Even though she is resented to be feminine, her actions (blocking) on screen present her to be intelligent and not a typical blond dumb female like other shows. The low camera angle presenting the pills gives an unnatural vibe and gives us a sense of curiosity and confusion. Paired with the fake death, we gather a sense that Villanelle is unnatural and chaotic as typically no females act like that, presenting her a stereotypically and not stereotypically feminine. Butlers theory of gender being created due to performance roles apply here as she is dressed fancily with shopping bags but also mysterious, conveying that females are more than just having shopping as a personality but are more complex than the usual stereotypes we see elsewhere in the media
Villanelle Tuesday 5th December
She subverts these stereotypes by being on a traditionally male motorbike and riding that, which typically men don't do
Audience respect her as she is likeable especially since victim is unlikeableTracking,establishing and long shots establish the scene and culture with close up of food.
Camera angle with binocular inside.
Low angle shot of her climbing shows how powerful she is
Non-diegetic music- female assertion and dominance
Camera tracking her movement. Over the head shot to tell us who she is looking out for
aggressive motion of the stab is paired with the prop of her hair pin
Shouting diegetic music amplifies the song and adds drama to the scene
Non - diegetic sound adds depth with th song with the lyric sorry when she clearly isn't
high - key lighting and bright blue conveys happiness
Ideologies we identify with are how powerful and assertive and women can be. The way she easily climbs up the building presents how women can do these stereotypically male activities. The way she subverts them allows the audience to believe that women can be anyone and do anything they want as being as powerful like Villanelle is like being the top in society due to her being laid back, confident and interested in climbing, motorbiking. The activities referencing to the audience that they can do activities whilst feeling good and not being shamed or being called masculine 24/7 due to doing the stereotypical men role therefore leading to the ideology that women shouldn't be underestimated than men since they can easily wipe the floor and be a successful individual in settings
Many characters can have various identities and associations that convey messages which viewers relate and contemplate
Villanelle- Positive:
Villanelle- Negati ve
Dark Behaviour
Violence - Close up of wound in neck - emphasises severity as well as the screaming dialogue
Long shot of hospital room showcasing bloody props, bloody men
Compare and contrast the techniques used to represent Villanelle in episode 1 of killing Eve
Worked Example: In the first episode of Killing Eva, we can see her introduced as likeable and enaging- we see this when she is joking around with Konstantin , which shows she has a humorous side and is immature. The seen is where Villanelle want to watch a movie with Konstantin where she predicts he will refuse. Mise-en-scene of facial expressions combined with diegetic dialogue creates a natural atmosphere and that this is the usual Villanelle which then lets the audience like her further. This creates an impression Russians being the enemy, but also having fun which could add a little less severity to the poisoning in 2018 where innocent people died due to poisoning which could influence the viewers to understand how Russians, although severe and rough, could also make assassinations like an everyday task as she is unfazed when asked to do another job. Subverted female roles as she is seen as higher up as traditionally men weren't- Butler is presented to be shown as performed gender roles mean that Villanelle is higher up than Konstantin which shows woman's equal status in 2018
My example:
Furthermore, Villanelle is presented to be shown as skilled and dark, rathe than only just funny and humorous. We see this in the Tuscany scenes where she is shown to be climbing a pole / drain pipe which conveys how athletic and vigorous as she is easily able to climb up it when typically that would be a task for everyday lives- the mise-en-scene being the camera following her up the pole, the tracking movement being there to show how well she is doing as it is unique and an interesting skill, which allows us to experience Villanelle in a new light as athletic and competent. This presents how women in 2018/2017 were seen as highly skilled, able and competent, as Villanelle is presented to do so, being a symbol that women were allowed and are very able to do activities that stereotypically unfeminine, which allows her to be more in control and how she subverts traditional stereotypes of men being more athletic.Additionally, this gives us an insight that women can do more than just everyday tasks and that they are on the same level of men where they can also access . Gauntletts theory of media having different identities is portrayed here as we can see how Villanelle is. more than capable of climbing and being funny in the early scenes of where she and Konstantin is chatting, giving her two features of flexible identity that Gauntlett says that viewers can also relate too due to the different messages being expressed in the episode which allows the audience to also be able to know what they want to be due to liking Villanelles style.
Furthermore, Villanelle is also seen as dark and direct due to her malicious actions, as we see in Tuscany where she actively kills a Villain in their own house. After we see Villanelle speaking and flattering the villain (diegetic dialogue) we further see her stabbing him with a poisonous hair clip, the prop and close up being used to add emphasis of how violent this hair clip is and the effect it has on the villain. Barthes theory of denotation and connotation applies as we see a hair clip which is stereotypically feminine, but then when she uses it as a poisonous weapon, we see it as lethal and dangerous, which allows the audience to have a different, more anxious view on Villanelle. This theory allows us to see that women in 2018 were powerful enough to be villains and to get us respect them as we do within. Villanelle as we see her smoothly operate her killings, allowing us to recognise how we shouldn't look down on women but respect them as equals in todays society.
Context but mainly theory
Tuesday 12th December 2023
L/O: to explore the representations in set products
Stranger Things - both powerful genders
Buffy the vampire Slayer- women more powerful
X-files- both genders equal but government has majority men
Konstantin - father figure, boss. Neutral
Dom - naive, willing, helpful, supportive
Niko- less traditional, cooks, nurturing, looks after Eve - positive
Bill- Kind, caring, jokey, funny, supportive, authoritative
Villanelles victim -Negative - misogynistic Frank - boss way more serious than Bill, deceptive - Negative, predatory, negative representation
Konstantin is serious with traditional clothing- shown when he walks in without knocking and is intrusive- controlling when telling Villanelles romantic partners to leave
Turns of music so is more serious
Konstantin is siting down and Villanelle approaches and is taller than him with more low anges to present that even though he is her boss and serious ,she has more power than he does
Frank: traditonal by shouting, glasses show intelligence, speaking way more than Carolyn- dominance, suit wearing, power over Bill and Eve
Theory and representations Monday 8th January 2024
L/O: to explore the theory and representation in set products
Baudrillard- the play of images and signs, even an extension to hyper reals and a fake hyperreality
Killing Eve- fake simulacra with the MI5 office- its secretive and not meant to be shown to the world- showcases how it is limited by the fact that it isn't completely truthful
Gauntlett: expressions and actions of characters help create values,beliefs and ideologies that we ourselves can use in our own life and aspire to be greater and more confident in our ways.
Killing Eve: The powerful women being independent with their own choices. Never backing down.
Men are in a position of power but so is Carolin- conveying how men don't rule anyone, the world is an equal place, We see Nico being kind and. nurturing, showcasing an anti- masculine role of how men arent just fierce and dominating but can be passive and supporting too
Hall- representation: How specific stereotypes convey social groups, living conditions along with media language to convey different views and representations of different people in the world
Killing Eve: Races, jobs and gender is represented as powerful and equal, however the disabled and lower classes are not shown, presenting how they are not relevant or important enough to be in the show, which may let these viewers feel absent from the show as they haven't been included or represented like the other social groups
Patriachy in the British Intelligence service:
Bill, Frank, Carolin, Eve and Elena
Bill is seen to be the head of the office, at the start he is commanding Eve around.`presented as the factual man with the dialogue that he has the knowledge of the CCTV and 'knows' the killer is a man. This shows even though he isn't the main boss, he still knows more at the beginning than Eve, presenting him to have knowledge of the case than she does initially which makes the audience know how eve and Elena still have less knowledge to begin with which presents how the patriarchal order in the MI5 begins with knowledge and how those higher up have more info about the case more than the workers do. We also learn that Bill is reluctant to let Eve investigate- again with dialogue, facial expressions as he doesn't support her initially but warns her about the possible danger that she gets herself in. This conveys a representation that the higher authorities in the MI5 don't give out details to there workers which may represent the differences in authority and power of how they gain information without letting those who are below them have it.
Work from classmates
Theory and Audience and Industry Tuesday 9th January 2023
L/O: to explore the audience and industry theory and apply to set products
Hall - encoding/ decoding model FOR AUDIENCE
Dominant- accepts the preferred meaning and ideological meaning
Negotiated meaning - some of the message is accepted but the audience disagrees with parts of it and changes it to fit their experience and values
Oppositional reading - both the preferred and any ideological meaning is rejected when encoded in the product
E.g. Eve is completely independent, successful life, with a nice job.\
Negotiated She still has a husband whilst working so she isnt fully independent and relies on a man
Oppositional: she isn't the boss. She isn't independent, stereotypical masculine patriachy is still present in media
Media and other media platforms (social media) influences people on their own decisions and behaviours
The audience may imitate behaviours from media products, especially violence and aggression.
With hospital scene, the setting is violent , bloody and chaotic. People may have aggressive or feel threatened by the scene
tv drama has violent representations with the world being a dangerous place and that it is more negative in reality, therefore it needs to be regulated to avoid having harmful effects on viewers
In killing Eve, with Villanelles attacks, it is seen as oppression and violent
Leaks or repeated cover ups with the CCTV repeated dialogue ensure how the top agencies corrupt the governments true issues.
Monday 15th January 2024
Curran and Seaton: Power and media industries
Media industries are capitalist and increase concentration of being owned. Less opinions are represented in media
Owners prefer profit than creativity
Killing Eve: Industry
L/O: to explore the industry theory and apply to set products
Killing Eve
Diverse representations of race, gender performativity - Villanelle, Eve, Elena, Nico,Bill Carolin, Dom.
Britain and the MI5
Big companies like disney has bough all its other competers in order to not have profit be lost due to audiences watching that instead. Additionally, this restricts individuals opinions in media products as it follows a set formula which follows a set profit gain view that wont branch out to new ideas due to risk
they state that conglomerates are capitalistic and controlled by very few.
Risk is seen in terms of money. risks is high as production costs is high
They use vertical integration along with established stars, genres and narratives to be safe in the media- ,meaning they wont use more branched ideas as it is unreliable and will not make them a profit
Killing Eve: Sandra Oh is an established star- less risk
BBC PSB ethos even though this was for a paid USA subscription- fitting more representations than usual compaines
Spy/ Conspiracy and thriller is a usual genre set up in America and UK
Jodie Comer Villanelle isn't a well known actress at the time of production, so having an established star allows the audience to relate to one of them which reduces the chance of the audience disliking the character
Livingstone - RegulationConsumers require regulation in order to keep safe and have interests peaked for the audience
TV dramas are regulated to be in the best interest of consumers - for killing Eve they still were regulated as it was a BBC production so would be regulated by OFCOM
Theory and Industry Tuesday 16th January 2023
L/O: to apply theory in exam responses . Demonstrate analysis of set product linked to an exam question
To what extent do TVD create contrasting representations in contemporary media
Niko -passive, supporting vs Eve- subverts stereotypes of being passive as a woman and is strong, independent with leadership skills
Villanelle vs Konstantin- again how representations are hugely different - he is seemed to be scared or confused of Villanelles motives. Villanelle in the apartment scene which subverts typical men being strong and overbearing, contrasting to Villanelle who is taking the leadership role
To what extent do TVD create contrasting representations in contemporary media
I believe that the representations are quite contrasting to one another. Along with the majority female writing team, there are multiple contextual factors involved to create contrasting representations. Ranging from the production to how the characters act on screen, we have been presented with different gender roles in Killing Eve. We first see this with Villanelle, who is presented to be fierce and bold. We can interpret this from many scenes, namely where she is easily scaling up a pipe on a building and in addition when she plans a fake suicide. The props like the pipe she is climbing and the fake pills are all serious and add depth to Villanelles bold character, the mise-en-scene letting the audience be able to experience how she is being portrayed with her daring movements before the climatic scenes -especially Villanelles murder.Furthermore, Villanelle as a character can be seen as subverting traditional female stereotypes of how women are passive traditionally. This is completely flipped where we seen Villanelle as independent and striving as a women which can influence fellow women to realise their true values and that they aren't weak and defenceless.Also, the rough nature of Villanelle is also conventionally not normal as female assassin and serial killers are typically unheard of- her fierce and murderous personality being conventially different to stereotypical female societal roles. We can see that Butlers theory of gender performativity applies as Villanelle is presented as strong and fierce, which is repeated over and over again with the killing scenes(especially the hospital) which fits Butlers theory as repeated gender roles creates a setting where they are the ones the audience relates too as it is seen as more natural over time- here reinforcing women's independence and strength. The BBC having an all female writing team also presenting how women being independent, strong and fierce are the main representation and message driven towards the audience.
The opposing representation is the male character Konstantin, where he is portrayed as scared and confused of Villanelles actions. In the one scene in Villanelles apartment, we see his facial expressions as narrowed and his movements (blocking) of him edging back slowly as Villanelle gets closer. The blocking - characters movements is vital as we can see the opposing gender roles created. The subverted male stereotype of being the leader and strong is true here as Konstantin is the passive and not conforming to these traditional roles at all whereas Villanelle is taking up more of these roles. The diegetic dialogue also pictures Villanelle as the typical leader as she controls the whole conversation, which allows the audience to know that women in power is normalised and accepted, and that men aren't always the ones in charge like stereotypical roles have been in thrillers and spy dramas as typically more of the lead characters are male, leading to contrasting representations in media and tv drama due the unusual female superiority within the drama which allows the audience to resonate with the show much more as they will feel ore comfortable and at ease whilst watching due to knowing that they are represented. The theory of Barthes and semiology is apparent in the scenes as the blocking creates a message -a connotation- of how Villanelle is superior and more dominant in the conversation as she is the one coming onto him rather than just a simple denotation of her walking towards him. His facial expression and stammered speech fir Barthes semiology theory as there is more hidden connotations behind his actions which evoke us to wonder whether there is more to mens superiority than just being a boss.
Monday 22nd January 2024
L/O: to explore the narrative, theme and characters in set episode
22/1- Great analysis here and use of context to apply to the scenes. T3: You need to proof read and structure your response so that each scene you use is fully explained and explored.
Money Heist:
Central characters whose motives develop with them
Tokyo, Professor and the money heist gang, all with their unique skillset and on the run
A main story line with interwoven subplots
The obvious set up of each characters individual motives and plots- main storyline of robbing a spanish mint, her lover died and potential murderer links.
A combination of complex characters that are ambiguous or enigmatic, creating tension and questions for the audience
Can they handle each other, can they trust each other to keep their jobs right. Will they all succeed. do any of them have drama? any have a hidden motive to take all the money? Is the guardian reliable?
Lupin is a 2021 French mystery thriller streaming television series created by George Kay and François Uzan
The series was watched by 76 million households during its first month, becoming the most-watched non-English series on Netflix at the time.
It was a top 10?
first French original to chart in the U.S. Top 10 list
Part 3 was released in 2023
Lupin- Genre and Narrative
L/O: to explore the narrative theory and genre theory. To apply the theory too the set texts:
Lupin- Todorov
Narratology: todorov
Initial Equilibrium, disruption then new equilibium
Movement from initial to new transforms the hero and expresses the narrative values
Usefulness- easy to identify key plot points and meanings, values, ideologies and beliefs that come from these signs
Lupin - we can use his theory to allow us to get an insight of the true equilibrium and how the disruption - the necklace being sold- gave us knowledge of his past and motives
Limitations: not useful for drawn out long series
Doesnt apply to non-narrative events or sub plots
Lupin- what is he going to do with the necklace? was there any other drama related to the others caught and h is past. does he have any other past vengeances that will occur later on Slides 179 - 181 on
Todorovs stages to Lupin episode 1:
Equlibrium: Dad and son struggling, getting a job
/He is almost stable with a single parent, 'in debt 'to loan sharks at the beginning to recruit them.
Disruption- how the necklace was being transported to an auction from the museum- due to the necklace set up
How the necklace was stolen and the father was accused of theft
Recognition: Lupin finds out and becomes a janitor/ Father was set up ages ago
Attempt to resolve: They do the mission to steal the necklace/ also as an act of revenge for those years
'Lupin' got away with the necklace that was basically killed his father those yeas ago
Non- linear narrative- two flashback
Assane's plan and explain Babakars mistreatment and how that affected the central narratives conflict
Non- linear narratives adds tension to the viewers in the first episode. Contrasts to killing eve
Neale: genre theory
How genre is created and how it changes, endures or declines
repeated Codes and conventions shared by producers and audiences is a process of genre creation in media products
therefore these can evolve and genre can be adapted - a new addition to the generic corpus ( the body of products in a genre)
Genre codes can become hybrids- genre is not fixed and are also expressed through products relating to the media product - critical reviews and materials - intertextual relay
Can be used to differentiate Films and long form tv dramas and the processes of hybridity in LFTVD with new twists and enigmatic narratives being repeated
Lupin - crime and a thriller- suspenseful and new, mystery and heist( voice over replay flashback and slow mos)
Backstory to robbery is unique and adds a feel to crime- a new lens to the genre
Similar to Oceans 11, Sherlock homles, Money Heist
Both KE and LP portay serious social issues, negative police standards
Squid game season 2 trailer:
Disruption - the game have been exposed, 456 may be in danger
recognition of disruption - a new game is announced
Attempt to resolve: he tries to stop doing the game and tries to leave? not specified
Neale- mystery game , action, tense
Interesting hybrid of game, puzzles and thriller. Survivalist and questions created adding to a mystery element
Lupin- Context Tuesday 30th January 2024
L/O: to explore the context of the production and contextual themes in set episode
Lupin was written by an English writer and scripted in english, it was then translated by a french writer who co-wrote some of the eps into a french setting sand situation
Appealing due to both audiences through writing and fitting context of both cultures correctly
0-7 mins - media language
Context and Media Language:
Black immigrant experience can be presented through Assane's history, The pelligrini family and babakars representation
Dominant ideologies and witty subverted stereotypes - Assane is aware that he is overlooked in his society by authorities
Camera zoomed in when they are talking about the necklace, they know that no one cares about them and how they are underrated
Cleaning janitor uniform is dull and grey like an institutionalised look and class difference in paris
Racism and how people think less of black peoples strength and wealth
Killing Eve vs Lupin context
How any production values including money and budgeting affects a media product
Lupin filmed in only one location- Paris - lower budget
Killing Eve filmed in various locations around world- higher budget shown from location(s) of filming
- Specific social groups that are common in society - stereotypes- and how they are represented
- Lupin representing many diverse classes
- Killing Eve only representing the middle class
- Many of those living outside of Paris is seen as
- Crime is an indicator of social decay
- Racial tension is acknowledged in Lupin within society as race and class are seen as intersectional ( those in power are white and those who are lower are people of colour)
- Ant-immigrant politicians who are right winged and how that impacts societial views on race e.g former president Nicolas Sarkozy
- Flashbacks - narrative tools - allow us to experience life with his father and racial inequalities surrounding the community
Any countries or group societies values and beliefs on a certain topic
Paris is known for having gender equality
80% of Paris' population living outside the city in areas that are deprived and unable to get out of the poverty trap
Intertextual references:
Mona Lisa, The eiffel tower being referenced - heart of Paris
Arsene Lupin book
shows of the rough banlieue reference the slums in french tv
Pink Panther and the saint
Cultural context - Covid affecting netflix watch rates
Intertextual references or any history relevant to any media product ( mona L
isa in lupin)
isa in lupin)
Class divide caused by society, political leaders and governments causing the class divide
Lupin - male Characters Monday 5th February 2024
L/O: to explore the narrative and characterisation in set products
We see men as strong and determined, inferior and unstable in regards to the community- Assane
helpless due to the prison
Caring - Assane and his kid
High status and noble, manipulative - mr Pellegrini
Fashionable, rich - auction
Brutal, criminal and disorganised - gang of loan sharks
Skilled and faithful - jeweller, policeman,( at end) Assane
Gaming inadequate man - anti stereotypical man - nerd and weakling
Media Language:
- Camera follows back of his head- tracking - importance - journey with main character - ariel shot
- Informative, intlelligence and reliable - dialogue of plan with camera and editing f=cycling through a mock plan and how it will be set up and followed
- Medium close ups to get whole facial expressions
- 'underestimated' dialogue linking to class and race, he's unnoticed due to being in an invisible class
Gang members:
- Violent - blocking and positions - shirt-vest- showcasing his muscles - strong , tattoos equal rough
- diegetic blunt dialogue - 'get in'
- messy - location and setting - rubbish and dark lighting.
- Ariel shot of the lower class buildings - mise-en-scene - non-diegetic ominous music giving suspense and a dark atmosphere
- Costume of tracksuit and informalises gang - rebel like
- Smart - diegetic dialogue - social awareness with inequalities
- Causal clothing - gives a nice status
- Zoomed in close up of locking car doors and how he is affected by racism.
- Polite - diegetic dialogue and how he volunteers to drive - ' i insist'
- Props - talented with
- helping out with the car , useful and helpful
Men are represented diversely in Lupin, ranging from Hot headed, rough and violent to smart, educated and strong. First we are greeted with a scene where we are introduced to the gang. Immediately, a wide ariel shot of the location presents the run down estate and the quality of life of the gang members. Assane is greeted roughly by Kevin, a gang member, where the dialogue is blunt and forceful - ' Get in.' Along with the blocking - the positions of the members hanging Assane over the balcony, we get to see how rough and bad natured these people are, representing men as rude, unstable and even dangerous in the lower classes due to the harmful actions these actors perform. The representation theory by Hall proposes how the representation of men being rough and rude is likely due to the stereotypical qualities that men are related to. By having these qualities of men being present, it adds to the bad stereotype of men in the media and how they are often represented as rough and not very nice at all in media products.
In contrast, we have Assane, who we meet just earlier. With the tracking shot of his head and way we are following him, we get to experience the journey of Assane and his motives. Instantly, he is forced over the balcony but once he gets a chance, he pushes kevin into the television. The breaking of the TV prop implies that the damage was servere and how Assane can stand up for himself, immediately being overlooked by the gang members. This is followed with his own diegetic dialogue and how he is often glanced over and treated badly by society as a whole. Moreover, his intelligence is shown. by his speech again and how he provides quality information to the gang, which they passively follow. The contrast between rough and rude to strong and intelligent creates a representation of men of how they are good natured with a pure spirit, unlike the thugs represented. Barthes semiology theory applies here where the connotations of Assane's actions are wise and strong, which allows us to understand how active Assane's role in the show is vital to the representation of men with his good nature and actions
Lupin- Characters Tuesday 6th January
L/O: to explore the narrative and characterisation in set products
What happens in auction scene - auction of necklace, flashback of pool scene
How Assane is represented - still inferior to due to being manipulated
Why scene is effective?Significant for plot in ep 1 - Representations of Black culture and how they can also be manipulated by higher classes - pool scene
How does this highlight the class difference in french society
How is the mise en scene / media language used to show that - blocking and how she is above the pool. Non-diegetic sound helps create weirdly unnatural vibe as it slowly fades to dialogue
setting of the auction is lovely, stylish, the costumes of the auctioneer and girl talking bout the necklace with respect
Powerful bright lighting contrast to the poor cleaners underground and how they are beneath in muted colours - colour palette
Graceful camera movement of the necklace in a circular position- emphasised the necklaces worth and how expensive and valuable it really is.
Higher class representations of how the higher class can be seen as successful and also superior and confident - presents how the higher class speaks and is higher than the rest of the characters
He is separated from the rest of the conversation - body language and dialogue being non-inclusive which could represent how racism is all around in every class
Gilroy can be present as the white culture is seen as superior with the car scene and how they treat the black minorities differently and inferior to them
Contextual issues are raised in Lupin from various examples. The main themes of racism and class are the main ones represented in the show which allow us to experience the main factors which affect the representations of class and racism. First, we have the car scene where Mrs Pellegrini blocks Babakar and Assane from helping out in the rain. The zoomed in close up of Mrs pelligini locking the car door represents her feelings towards racial minority groups and how she looks down upon them- negative and rude. The feelings of race can be viewed negatively in Lupin due to the distancing represented by Mrs Pellegrini and therefore showing how their is a divide between racial groups in our society. The theory of post colonialism byGilroy can be added here to prove the racist views and how a white superiority is still present in todays society and the views of Black cultures in modern society in Lupin are inferior to the white supremacy that Lupin presents to us
Gilroy looks about how white western culture is still still superior across representations and in cultures
He This influencesn attitudes of ethnicities in western societies
Messages and representations on screen allow us to think through our own and how we express ourselves
How images and signs are more important in our society- hyper reality of representations being more real than reality itself.
Hyperreal representations don't represent reality but representations of representations
Simulacra - representation that cannot tell and difference between reality and representations itself
Lupin - Race and Class Monday 19th February
L/O: to explore the social context of class and race through the characterisation in set products
Costume differences- bright pink puffy lavish and big dress all surround feminism and beauty appeal, the makeup is beautiful and nice
The guys outfit is typical of gangster- tank top with a gold necklace which is seen as cool and exposes his muscles to look intimidating - tattoos are bold and connotes
13/11- Excellent start to the unit, great notes on the genre, well done.
ReplyDelete27/11- Excellent analysis of the scene. T: 5.Link to context- Social context of female roles that this then reflects as present now.
ReplyDelete11/12- Some excellent points here, well done, you cover the structure well.
ReplyDeleteT: 5-Be careful with your assertions on context at the time, think about it not necessarily relating to climbing but actually to the competence of women in all roles and able to those of a typical man easily.
22/1- Great analysis here and use of context to apply to the scenes. T3: You need to proof read and structure your response so that each scene you use is fully explained and explored.
ReplyDelete20/2- Excellent analysis here, you are using the structure very well and an in depth coverage of the media language analysis.
5.Link to a context (Histroical, social, cultural, political, economic).
11/3- Great notes here Daniel, keep these up and remember to challenge yourself by trying to pick examples from the text of how the industry theory can be applied or demonstrated.